Oct 16, 2019

How to Put on Tights the Right Way

Tights are a wardrobe staple, but they’re also delicate. In order for them to last, you need to care for them properly.

One thing we don’t consider when it comes to our tights routine is that it matters how you put them on. Really, it does!

Putting on tights can be tricky and not doing so properly can lead to an instant rip or snag. Fortunately, this can be avoided when you follow a few simple steps.

Here’s how to put on tights with ease in 5 steps!

Step 1: Prep your hands

Before even picking up your tights, be sure to remove any jewelry like rings of bracelets. Jewelry can often cause a snag or tear in our tights when we least expect it. Our nails can also damage our tights if they’re broken or not well manicured, so care for your nails and moisturize your hands before picking up your tights.

Step 2: Prep your legs

As much as preparing your hands is important, so is preparing your legs and feet. Again, care for your toenails and moisturize your legs and feet so no rough edges come into contact with your tights as you put them on.

Step 3: Take a seat

Now that your hands and legs are prepped, you’re ready to put on your tights, but first, take a seat to do so! If you attempt to put on your tights while standing it will only make it harder to properly adjust them and will increase your chances of ripping them.

Step 4: Gather you tights

While sitting, hold your tights at the waist and gently gather each leg with your thumbs until you’re at the toe of your tights. Next, gently slide your foot into the tights one foot at a time. Pull your tights up, while still keeping your thumbs inside to avoid snagging.

Step 5: Pull up & adjust

Stand up and continue to gently pull of your tights until the waistband is in its proper position. Now you can make necessary adjustments by gently pulling the fabric into place. Your tights should be snug, but not uncomfortable. If your tights feel twisted, your best bet is to remove them and start again from step 3.

Do you have any tips or tricks to get your tights on with ease?

